Worldwide Permit Arrangement

Worldwide Permit Arrangement

Your Permits is always in Hands

Each country has its regulations for granting Overflights or Landing permits, permit application procedures requiring complete flight information, important documents, and several other formalities. IFPLS can help you to obtain your permits easily whether you are operating a private, Business or commercial flight, scheduled or non-scheduled operation, passengers or cargo trip, a technical stop or traffic right, IFPLS ensure your flight operates smoothly without any delay.

IFPLS has strong relations and connections with thousands of local contacts across Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA), an experienced team who have been working for several international operators in the flight services sector & their updated database and the latest permit procedures information, IFPLS confirms Capability to obtain any permit for your aircraft all over the world in a timely and efficient manner, regardless of short-notice requests, last-minute changes or emergency-handling requests.

Whenever your flight is operating on behalf of the government, military, or heads of state, IFPLS will be coordinating, in parallel, with the competent authorities to facilitate and rush up the diplomatic clearance issuance.

The IFPLS team will be pleased to help you from our well-equipped Operations Control Center to deliver all your worldwide flight support requirements Such as:

·        Short-notice overflight & landing permits (Seasonal and Ad-Hoc)

·        Guidance and Coordination for Diplomatic Permits

·        Military & civilian clearances

·        Prior Permission Required “PPR”

·        Airport Slots “Seasonal and Ad-Hoc”

·        Traffic rights

·        Scheduled and Block Permits

·        Special Operating Permits

·        Foreign Air Operator Certificates (FAOC)

Apply for our Permit arrangement via our online Service portal or to our Permit operations team 24/7 email: