Comoros Airports and Visa

Comoros Airports and Visa

Comoros Airports and Visa

Comoros is a beautiful country located in the Indian Ocean, consisting of three major islands: Grande Comore, Anjouan, and Moheli. With a population of around 850,000 people, it is one of the smallest countries in Africa. Despite its small size, Comoros is an increasingly popular destination for tourists and business travelers alike, thanks to its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and growing economy.

If you're planning to fly to Comoros, you'll need to know about the country's main airports and visa procedures for crew members. Additionally, it can be incredibly helpful to have a trusted aviation company handle all of your airport services, from ground handling to fueling.

There are three major airports in Comoros, all located on the island of Grande Comore:

Prince Said Ibrahim International Airport (HAH, FMCH): Located in the capital city of Moroni, Prince Said Ibrahim International Airport is the main airport in Comoros. It has one terminal that serves both domestic and international flights.

Ouani Airport (AJN, FMCV): Ouani Airport is located in the town of Ouani on the island of Anjouan. It has one terminal that serves both domestic and international flights.

Mohéli Bandar Es Eslam Airport (NWA, FMCI): Mohéli Bandar Es Eslam Airport is located on the island of Moheli. It has one terminal that serves both domestic and international flights.

Crew members traveling to Comoros will need to obtain a visa before arrival. The visa application process can be lengthy and complicated, so it's important to start the process well in advance of your trip.

There are two main types of visas available for crew members:

Short-term visa: This visa is valid for up to three months and is available for crew members who are entering Comoros for work purposes.

Long-term visa: This visa is valid for up to one year and is available for crew members who will be working in Comoros for an extended period.

To apply for a visa, crew members will need to provide a variety of documents, including a valid passport, a letter from their employer, and proof of travel arrangements. It can be helpful to work with a trusted aviation company that can assist with the visa application process.

When flying to Comoros, it can be incredibly helpful to work with a trusted aviation company that can handle all of your airport services. One such company is International Flight Planning Solutions (IFPLS), which provides a wide range of aviation services, including ground handling, fueling, and concierge services.

IFPLS has a team of experienced professionals who are familiar with the local regulations and can help ensure that your flight goes smoothly. They can also assist with the visa application process for crew members and provide other helpful services, such as arranging transportation and accommodations.


In conclusion, Comoros is a beautiful country with a lot to offer visitors. If you're planning to fly to Comoros, be sure to familiarize yourself with the main airports and visa procedures for crew members. Additionally, consider working with a trusted aviation company like IFPLS to ensure that all of your airport services are handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

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·       So, feel free to contact IFPLS anytime you need assistance.

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